
Auxiliary Color Guard at NFL Game

Article by Craig Hall, Flotilla 12-3 Commander (elect), D1-NR, Weymouth, MA
Photo courtesy of the New England Patriots Football Team

AUX Color Guard at NFL Football Game

Auxiliary Color Guard at NFL Football Game

On Sunday 17 October 2010, the First Northern District's Division 12 Color Guard presented the colors at the New England Patriots football game against the Baltimore Ravens.  The Color Guard unit was comprised of Kevin Ritchie, acting as Sergeant at Arms; James Botsolis and Matt Mulvey of Flotilla 12-5; and Mitchell Paine, David K. Clinton, and Craig Hall of Flotilla 12-3.

This is believed to be the first time a US Coast Guard Auxiliary Color Guard has presented colors at a National Football League game.

The New England Patriots won the game in overtime by a score of 23 to 20.








~MG 12-17-10