
NACON 2011 - National Board Meeting (Saturday morning session)

Article by Joseph Giannattasio, District Publications Officer, D5-NR

Photos and additional material by Mel Borofsky, Editor SITREP

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Charlotte, August 27. National Commodore (NACO) convened the assembly and presented the invocation. The Color Guard of the Charlotte Police Department presented the colors.

Vice National Commodore Thomas Mallison lead the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance.

A lovely rendition of the National Anthem was sung by 14-year-old Miss Taylor Stamey of Denver, North Carolina.

President of the National Association of Commodores Rick Ives, to the tolling of the ship’s bell, read the names of shipmates who crossed over the bar since our last meeting.

Following introductions, Mr. R. Andrew Murray, District Attorney serving Mecklinburg County welcomed the Auxiliary to Charlotte and gave an inspirational reflection about volunteerism and the spirit of Auxiliary members.

Rear Admiral William Dean Lee spoke of shouldering his responsibilities of overseeing the CG efforts concerning Hurricane Irene. The Admiral took time to express his appreciation for the entire Coast Guard Auxiliary. In his familiar dynamic speaking style, the Admiral said, “Being part of something bigger than ourselves. Doing something you don’t have to do because you have the sense of duty to do something to help others.”

Listening to Admiral

Listening to the Admiral's remarks

NACO Vass then welcomed attendees and treated members to a video that highlights various aspects of the Auxiliary’s missions in District 5-SR.

Mr. Dustan McCoy, CEO Brunswick supplied interesting recreational boating data and statistics, especially concerning the declining number of people boating. Fundamentally because 50% people state “they aren’t boating because they never experienced boating and/or they don’t know anyone who owns a boat.” He stressed that it behooves Auxiliarists to share their passion and experience of boating with the uninitiated.

PROGRAM NOTE: NACON 2012 will be held AUG 22-26 in San Antonio, TX. A promotional video was presented. The video link will be found in in the “Video” SITREP to follow in the continuing coverage of NACON 2011.

Vice Admiral Manson K. Brown, Commander Coast Guard Pacific Area, stated his personal commitment in supporting and addressing issues within the organization. “Maintaining a strong relationship between the Gold and the Platinum,” he said.

Rear Admiral James A. Watson, Director of Prevention Policy, provided a current update on various Auxiliary programs including POMS, SAMA, and the Auxiliary Manual. He also addressed concerns facing the Coast Guard and the Auxiliary with declining Auxiliary operational facilities and meeting the new challenge of the mandatory examination of commercial fishing vessels. He stated, “A new balance can be achieved by increasing boat crew proficiency to make up for the losses of coxswains and crews.’

Various awards were presented and they will be featured in a separate “Awards” portion of SITREP’ continuing coverage of NACON 2011.

Signing MOI

Signing the Memorandum of Intent

Commodore Bob Mello, Australia Volunteer Coast Guard Association shared his organization’s experiences, various missions, hazards that include crocodiles, and shared the very unique story of the rescue of a cow during heavy flooding within Australia (it floated 65 km down river). NACO Vass congratulated his organization on the occasion of their 50th anniversary.

Commodore Jose Antonio Najri, Dominican Naval Auxiliary: Reported that year-to-date, his organization is responsible for rescuing and saving 32 lives. Their Auxiliary initiated a nationwide vessel examination program, working in conjunction with the Dominican Navy.

Ted Smith, President, Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary: Was one of the charities recommended by Prince William and Kate Middleton as wedding gifts during their recent visit. They have been able to step up funding to their various regions by trimming the budget of the National Bridge and splitting that money between them.

Commander Joeven Fabul of the Philippine CG Auxiliary related the successful lifesaving efforts following several recent boating disasters.

Commodore Harold Wolf of the Philippine CG Auxiliary remarked about the successful initiatives in establishing an area-wide Asian Pacific alliance. Countries such as Viet Nam, Korea, Australia, New Zealand and others are in process of forming a united association of life saving organizations.

Mr. Frank Dvorak, Chief Commander of the U.S. Power Squadrons related the successful results of on-the-water training. Following his remarks he and NACO Vass signed an implementation plan between the USCG Auxiliary and the U.S. Power Squadrons. The U.S. Power Squadrons (USPS) and the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary will increase their coordinated safety efforts among America’s recreational boating community under a new agreement that broadens cooperative efforts in vessel examinations, public affairs and education. 

“With this cooperative effort we will reach out to the growing population of recreational boaters providing needed training and vessel exams to keep them safe on the water,” said NACO Jim Vass.

"The USPS is proud to continue our partnership with the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary as we continually strive to improve the boating experience for recreational boaters,” said Frank Dvorak, USPS Chief Commander.