
NTrain 2011 - “Getting to know them”
National Bridge

Article and photos by Mel Borofsky, Editor SITREP

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NACO Jim Vass
NACO James “Jim” Vass was elected to the top leadership role in the Auxiliary at the National Conference, (NACON) August 2010 and he assumed the position on 01 November of that year. Jim, as he prefers to be addressed resides in Port O’Conner, Texas and is a member of Flotilla 7-10, District 8-Central Region. Jim has served the Auxiliary for over 20 years; his immediate past office was VNACO. Jim is an instructor, vessel examiner, coxswain and qualification examiner and just achieved his AUXOP status, awarded at this year’s NTrain. He is a retired Senior Project Manage for the DuPont Corporation and currently is a Board member of a local Coastal Conservation Association.




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VNACO Tom Mallison

VNACO Thomas C. “Tom” Mallison was elected VNACO at NACON 2010 and assumed his office on 01 November 2010. Tom, as he prefers to be addressed, resides in Bear Lake, Michigan with his wife, Wanda. Tom is a member of Flotilla 63, District 9-Western Rivers and has served the Auxiliary for over 21 years. His immediate past office was Area Commodore for Atlantic-West. Tom is an instructor, marine dealer visitor, vessel examiner, coxswain and a qualification examiner. He also achieved the new telecommunications operator rate.




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NIPCO Nick Kerigan

NIPCO Nicholas “Nick” Kerigan , was elected NACO at NACON 2008 and served in that position, with high esteem, for the following two years. He assumed the title of NIPCO when the newly elected NACO assumed office. In two years his permanent Auxiliary title will change to PNACO and he will join a long line of distinguished Auxiliarists who served as NACO and keep that title. Nick, as he prefers to be addressed, resides in Manhasset, New York with his wife Susan and their two children. Nick is in Flotilla 12-3, District 1-Southern Region and has served the Auxiliary for over 19 years. Nick is a retired Information Technology manager for Morgan Stanley. He is an AUXOP member, coxswain, air observer, vessel examiner, instructor, and qualification examiner.



~MG 01-31-11