
NTrain 2011 - “Getting to know them”
Other Significant Officers

Article and photos by Mel Borofsky, Editor SITREP

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ANACO-CC Sigurd Murphy
ANACO-CC Sigurd Murphy

ANACO-CC Sigurd E. Murphy is the Chief Counsel of the Auxiliary. “Sig” as he is affectionately called resides in Rockport, Texas with his wife Mary. They have two children. He has served the Auxiliary for over seven years and is a member of Flotilla 79, District 8- Central Region. He previously served as Deputy Director of the “P” Department. An attorney, he served as a Judge. His motto “Be Safe - Be legal.”




ANACO-SA Fred Gates
ANACO-SA Fred Gates

ANACO-SA Fred Gates is the lead officer for Strategic Analysis of many activities in the Auxiliary. Fred resides in Carlsbad, California with his wife JoAnn. He has served the Auxiliary for over 12 years and is a member of Flotilla 16, District 11-Southern Region. He formerly served as the NADCO-MS and was a Director of the Public Affairs Department. His current job in the Auxiliary is working in strategic planning, future planning, innovation and think tank projects (see the Evergreen article in SITREP’s coverage of NTrain). In 2000 Fred was dispatched to cover the “Tall Ships” and SITREP was born. He is a retired San Diego newspaper reporter and editor.



ANACO-Diversity Donald C. Lloyd
Donald C. Lloyd

ANACO-Diversity Donald C. Lloyd is the lead officer of the Diversity and Inclusion projects of the Auxiliary. Don resides in Troutman, North Carolina with his wife Sandra. They have five children. Don has served the Auxiliary for over 10 years and is a member of Flotilla 26-1, District 5-Southern Region. He is a qualified instructor. Don is a retired labor relation consultant and, in private practice, he was a mediator and arbitrator.




Mr Martin Phillips
Mr Martin Phillips

Mr. Martin L. “Marty” Phillips, is the Executive Director of the Auxiliary Association, Inc. He resides in Hamburg, Iowa with his wife JoAnn. The have two children and are proud grandparents of 4. Marty is a retired Coast Guard Commander, following 32 years of active service. Some of his past Coast Guard duties include former DIRAUX and District Commander. He had three separate tours that involved Auxiliary activity.



Mr John Malatak
Mr John Malatak

Mr. John Malatak, CG-54222, Program Operations Branch, John’s office is in CG Headquarters, Washington, DC. He attends National conferences such as NTrain and NACON and reports on latest developments, improvements and goals for recreational boating safety. He resides in Stafford, Virginia with his wife Jane. He has served the Auxiliary for over 19 years and is a member of Flotilla 25-10, District 5-Southern Region. He has served his flotilla as a Past Flotilla Commander.



~MG 02-01-11