NACON 2011
01 VNACO Tom Malison opens the meeting.jpg
02 VNACO Malison (L) and NACO Jim Vass administer the pledge to new staff.jpg
03 Staff taking pledge.jpg
04 Staff taking pledge.jpg
05 Staff taking pledge copy.jpg
06 Staff taking pledge.jpg
07 NACO Jim Vass remarks.jpg
08 Conference Coordinator Ernie Davenport.jpg
09 DNACO-O Mark Simoni.jpg
10 ANACO-RP (Response and Prevention) Dave Elliot.jpg
11 DIR-R (Response) Bob Schafer.jpg
12 DIR-MP (Incident Management and Preparedness) COMO Dan Marsh.jpg
13 DIR-P (Prevention) Greg Kester.jpg
14 DIR-IA (International Affairs) John Cooper.jpg
15 DNACO-RBS (Recreational Boating Safety) Don Frasch.jpg
16 ANACO-RB (Recreational Boating) Jack Gumb.jpg
17 DIR-E (Education) Dave Mahl.jpg
18 DIR-V (Vessel Examinations) Lillian Haines.jpg
19 DIR-Vd (Deputy V) Mike Klacik.jpg
20 John Malatek USCG Office of Boating Safety.jpg
21 DIR-B (Recreational Boating Outreach) Bruce Johnson.jpg
22 DNACO-MS (Member Support) Marie Scholle.jpg
23 ANACO-FC (Force Comm) Gail Venizio.jpg
24 DIR-H (Human Relations) Joe O'Leary.jpg
25 Marty Phillips Executive Director AUCG Aux Assn.jpg
26 CAPT Mark Rizzo Chief Director of Auxiliary.jpg
27 DIR-T (Training) Robert Fong.jpg
28 DIR-Ad (Deputy Director Public Affairs) Chris Todd.jpg
29 COMO Don LLoyd (Diversity-Administrative Commodore).jpg
30 DNACO-ITP (Information Tech Planning) Bruce Miller.jpg
31 ANACO-PP (Planning and Performance) Fred Gates.jpg
32 DIR-S (Support) Krista Tinney.jpg
33 DIR-M (Measurements) Fred Wolf.jpg
34 ANACO-IT (Information Technology) Steve Johnson.jpg
35 Linda Merriman - Round Robin Faciliatator.jpg
36 ANACO-CC (Legal) Sig Murphy.jpg
37 Face-to-face communication.jpg
38 Face-to-face communication.jpg
39 Face-to-face communication.jpg
40 Face-to-face communication.jpg