
NTrain 2011 - “Getting to know them”

Article and photos by Mel Borofsky, Editor SITREP


NTRAIN 2011 logo

January 25-30, St. Louis:    As was mentioned in several of the SITREP articles there are a lot of new faces here at NTrain. There is a new National Bridge, headed by National Commodore Jim Vass and a plethora of new staff members. What follows are some thumbnail photos and tidbits that might help you “Get to know them.”


National Bridge
Force Readiness Directorate
Mission Support Directorate
Operations Directorate
Operations Policy Directorate
Other Significant Officers

Helpful acronyms:

NACO = National Commodore (elected)
VNACO = National Vice Commodore (elected)
NIPCO = Immediate Past National Commodore (elected)
DNACO = Deputy National Commodore (elected)
ANACO = Assistant National Commodore (appointed)
DIR = Department Director (appointed)
COMO = Commodore
DCO = District Commodore
CHIDIRAUX = Chief Director of Auxiliary
DIRAUX = District Director of Auxiliary

~MG 01-31-11